Silas Barta

Cafe Meetup 2/10: How to use Twitter effectively

Twitter ( is an awesome networking and information platform—especially for people in rat and rat-adjacent spheres—that you probably aren’t using to its fullest. This week we’ll discuss Twitter basics, social norms for rat-adjacent communities, and best practices for using Twitter effectively, including: What to do with Twitter (figuring out your goals). How (and why) to

Cafe Meetup 2/10: How to use Twitter effectively Read More »

Cafe Meetup 2/3: Impacts of Artificial Intelligence (non-x-risk)

Let’s discuss the future impacts of AI. What is likely to change as the result of the current pace of progress? Will economic growth measurably increase over historic norms? Will large demographics be put out of work? Will inequality increase? Will creative professions successfully incorporate AI or be obviated? What parallels to past technological impacts

Cafe Meetup 2/3: Impacts of Artificial Intelligence (non-x-risk) Read More »

Cafe Meetup 12/16: Health and Wellness

Time one again to discuss health and wellness. Share your well-grounded knowledge of diet, exercise, supplements, and habits! And please don’t forget to volunteer to bring something to the potluck spreadsheet for the coming Solstice Event. It’s less than a week away! We need more foldable chairs! *** The meetup is at Central Market,

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